Bioinformatics and Integrated Systems Biology
Mission Statement
The Systems Biology Core will serve as a single point of contact (concierge function) to investigators of the Emory/Georgia TRAC, and facilitate access to a wide array of ‘-omics’ technologies for specific experimental designs. Using established computational pipelines, the will provide training to new investigators on methods in high-dimensional data analysis and data integration in this increasingly essential area of basic and translational research.
BISB Core Services
Are you unsure of what type of ‘-omics’ tools you need? The BISB Core is here to advise you on the study design and ‘-omics’ tools that will best position you to answer your study question. As a ‘concierge’ service, we will also help you find the university core services that can perform the assays you need for your study.
Is there a trainee or post-doctoral researcher in your group that needs help learning how to analyze ‘-omics’ data sets? The BISB Core offers individualized training paths for TB researchers from the pre-doctoral to junior faculty level in ‘-omics’ data analysis. We will train researchers in the computational tools needed to analyze their data and answer relevant study questions.
Bioinformatics and Integrated Systems Biology Team

Bioinformatics and Integrated Systems Biology Contact Information
Atlanta, GA 30322