Request Services

Admin Core Services

The Admin Core can provide staff and faculty with letters of support (LOS) to include when applying to various funding opportunities.

The Admin core can help staff and investigators distribute their works to a broad audience via twitter and various listservs. We can share research findings, calls for proposals, promote talks and solicit collaborations.

BTS Core Services

The BTS core can help you design experimental lab assays for TRAC Pilot Grant applications and awards, as well as other funding applications, both internal and external

The BTS core is equiped to help train investigators and staff in areas such as biosafety, the collection and hadling of MTB cultures, MTB infection in animal models, development and execution of lab assays and design of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)

The core can help with the generation of preliminary data for internal or external funding applications, as well as conduct lab assays for funded studies.

The core can store human and animal specimens, as well as MTB strains.  We are also working to develop a biorepository of samples with the evental goal of allowing access in order to create application-generating data.

BISB Core Services

Are you unsure of what type of ‘-omics’ tools you need? The BISB Core is here to advise you on the study design and ‘-omics’ tools that will best position you to answer your study question. As a ‘concierge’ service, we will also help you find the university core services that can perform the assays you need for your study.

Do you have or expect to have a large ‘-omics’ data set, but need assistance with data analysis? The BISB Core can assist in the analysis of your ‘-omics’ data and help advance your project toward publication.

Is there a trainee or post-doctoral researcher in your group that needs help learning how to analyze ‘-omics’ data sets? The BISB Core offers individualized training paths for TB researchers from the pre-doctoral to junior faculty level in ‘-omics’ data analysis. We will train researchers in the computational tools needed to analyze their data and answer relevant study questions.

CPS Core Services

Obtaining input from community advisory board (CAB) on research needs, engagement with potential study population, evaluating proposed study procedures and informed consent processes, and evaluating study implementation and impact.

Development of study aims; selecting study population; sample size determination; power calculations; randomization schema; interim safety/efficacy monitoring

Exemplar protocols; operationalization of grant activities into study procedures and assistance with protocol development; creation of study visit schedule, including planning for unscheduled visits; formatting protocol into required IRB template

Library of SOPs to be modified/adapted for specific study: TB specific, HIV specific, and general study procedures

Library of data collection forms:

  • TB specific forms: measuring exposure, screening for signs and symptoms, latent TB infection, TB disease and drug-resistance, chest radiography, treatment adherence, treatment outcomes, close contacts.
  • General test result forms: HbA1c, pregnancy, HIV, vital signs, malaria, parasites.
  • HIV specific results forms: CD4, viral load, ART prescription and adherence.
  • General study forms: screening, enrollment/consent, medical history questionnaire, locator information, specimen tracking, study exit.

Adult and child informed consent forms; child assent forms; supporting documentation; human subjects research ethics and GCP training certificates, navigating institutional board review and approval, such as biosafety (if applicable).

Sample regulatory binders; links to required trainings, e.g., Biomedical and/or CRC- CITI, GCP-ICH, HIPAA, COI, GCLP; support in understanding the regulations and applying them to research projects; data safety and monitoring board (if applicable).

Diagnosis (or exclusion) of TB infection and disease; informed consent training; airborne infection control procedures.

Tracking visit schedule; ensuring retention; supporting treatment adherence; measuring TB outcomes; study exit.

Training in sputum sample collection and processing; tuberculin skin test application and reading; interferon gamma release assay blood collection; HIV testing; specimen handling, storage and shipping, including infection control procedures.

Exemplar databases; database design consultation and development support; data management plan SOPs for electronic and/or hard copy data collection forms and source documents

Training of quality control (QC) best practices for informed consent documents and data collection forms; consultation on QC procedures for electronic forms and data entered into databases; guidance on security and confidentiality considerations for direct data entry and/or paper-based data collection

Exemplar statistical analysis plans (SAP); reproducible coding practices; code verification; table/figure shells for DSMB reporting; basic statistical methods, including training in R, Python and SAS; data visualization; guidance on interpretation and appropriate reporting of methods.

Expert consultation and review of abstract, poster and manuscript drafts; dissemination of study outcomes to stakeholders

Developmental Core Services

The Developmental Core can provide career development support, including proposal development and grant writing skills. We can pair new innovative training in grantwriting with access and linkage to existing programs throughout TRAC institutions.

The core can solicit appropriate subject matter experts in order to provide review and feedback of existing research proposals.

Mock study section reviews can be arranged to prepare investigators for submission of grant applications to external funding sources.

The core periodically collaborates with the Georgia CTSA to facilitate 10-week courses on effective science communication to help investigators connect with audiences and disseminate their works.

The Core can facilitate connection to mentors for Early Stage Investigators (ESI), as well as people pursuing careers in TB.  The core also provides training on Global Health/Cross Cultural mentoring to enhance global health research collaborations.