World TB Day Events March 17 - 24, 2025

Week of March 17

Emory University will display works from the CDC Global Division of HIV/TB photography exhibit "Faces From the Frontlines" on the RSPH CNR bridge and on the digital displays in the lobby of the RSPH RRR building.

Friday March 21

7pm John Green in conversation with Laurel Bristow - Everything Is TuberculosisGlenn Memorial at Emory University. A Cappella Books, the Emory Center for Public Scholarship and Engagement and Emory/Georgia TB Research Advancement Center proudly welcome #1 internationally bestselling author John Green and special guest Laurel Bristow to Emory's Glenn Memorial Church Auditorium for a discussion of John’s new book, "Everything Is Tuberculosis: The History and Persistence of Our Deadliest Infection." The pair will discuss the book, answer audience questions, and more.

Monday March 24

2-6pm World TB Day Symposium & Reception, Rollins School of Public Health, Ballroom of the R. Randall Rollins (RRR) Building & Zoom. [Flyer | Add to calendar]